Diamond4jobs is a well established UK job board being first released to the market in 2003. In 2016 the brand gained new ownership as seasoned on-line recruitment technology professionals took the helm. The platform was dramatically expanded through integration with partners and development of key clients.
March 2021 see's another leap forward in the evolution of diamond4jobs with a complete overhaul of the website bringing the platform up to date with a fresh look and feel, responsive web pages, improved client and jobseeker user experience and AI matching technology.
Diamond4jobs contiues to strive to become a big name in the job search arena. We aim to evolve continuously to accommodate the ever changing demands of recruiters always providing a smooth and pain free job posting experience. We set out fair and reasonable pricing structures for our services so we can become an affordable resource to all employers no matter how big or small. We pledge to offer unrivalled free services to the job-seeker to make tracking down that diamond job as swift as possible.